That guy that always asks for songs lyrics to be added in descriptions

Age 34, Male

Forensic medicine


Joined on 1/12/17

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Remi-le-Oduen's News

Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - 1 day ago

So... This morning I tried to visit NG but couldn't do it unless via VPN. Does this mean NG is banned by those idiots calling themselves authorities? Or is there another problem?


Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - 1 month ago

I once made a story for a comic scripts contest. I never got any response so I guess it's okay to post it here. I post it as it was sent to a contest, with summary first, but it's not really necessary to read it to understand the chapter itself. At least I hope so. There is currently one chapter, but if someone will be interested in reading more of it (or maybe even making some based on it), I will be glad to provide more stories of monster attorney. It's obviously heavily inspired by Ace Attorney, but I hope it's not too derivative.




Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - January 5th, 2025

I recently finished Dead Estate (steam version) and by finished I mean I got all the medals. No need for such a loud applause, yes, I am cool. (sarcasm signpost)

Anyways, I had this suden thought about Roselia Valentine (Cordelia's mom).

According to notes in Assignment Anya, this is the second time Leviathan tries to devour Earth. First time he was defeated by unknown sorceress.

Now, let's summarize what we know about Roselia Valentine. 

1. She can fly the broom and create portals (as seen in Cordelia's normal and true endings)

2. She can cook all kinds of magic stuff including ambrosia that heals everything and cookies that are better than bullets.

3. She is the only one who is not bothered at all by all the stuff happening in the mansion.

So, combining all this. I came up with a headcanon that Roselia is actually the one who defeated Leviathan previously, she is actually the strongest character and could easily wipe the kitchen floor with Cybil and her cult. But she is like "No,no, I'm on retirement and my daughter needs personal growth anyway, so let the young ones do the heavy lifting, I have my kitchen to take care of".

Also, I just finished gathering all the medals. Feeling really proud of myself.



Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - December 29th, 2024

I just want it to be over already. I feel tired. I did a lot this year, mostly related to my job, but I feel like I need to push harder just to not fall behind money-wise and I don't feel it rewarding emotionally anymore. My health got worse. The list of books I've read through the year decreased drastically. My creativity... It was almost non-existent this year, my job consuming most of my energy.

NG remains a peaceful island where I can just relax and remember there are still good things out there somewhere. So yeah, thank you everyone who contribute to this amazing place.

Sorry for bad mood, just need to vent out somewhere. I wish everyone happy holidays and may all the bad things remain in this year and not follow us in 2025


Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - November 4th, 2024

So I took part in Blind World Collab. Here's our team entry:



Maybe it's better to make a closing thoughts post after the collab results, but I want to express my gratitude and release some emotions while they are fresh.

First of all, huge thanks to @jamriot for organizing and hosting this collab!

Next, HUGE thanks and HUGE apologies to the team - @plasmarift, @thenorf, @hekillzalot You were awesome!

I am genuinely surprised we managed to finish the submission, and for the most part it is my own fault. It was the first time for all of us to take part in this sort of collab, and somehow I took a role of organizing the team. As you can guess, it did not end well. I really failed to contribute enough time to the collab. The reasons were both objective and subjective but anyway the progress was really slow and unstable. By some point I started literally hating myself for ruining this opportunity not only for me but for others, so I mentally slapped myself in the face and forced myself to sit and work on it. I am really sorry for such a bad management.

As a result, we had almost no time for deep proofreading. Also, my parts ended rough and I feel like they don't convey all the ideas I originally wanted to implement. I still hope that it was enjoyable to read.

But despite all the procrastination and worries, I feel taking part in this was still a good and very useful experience. I understand my own workflow better (relating to creativity, not my daily job). Also I tried a bunch of instruments that will be of use later.

So, yeah, once again, huge thanks team and sorry for being such a poor teamlead. I promise I will do better next time.



Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - June 16th, 2024

Transparent armor

Prompt: glass

“Is this the guy?” Bane was studying the three-dimensional projection while his BNI – brain-network-integration – module uploaded the target data.

“Yep.” Shelly’s program-distorted voice was as clear as if they were standing right in front of him. In fact, Bane would not even try to guess their location. Shelly really cared about their identity and privacy. They even used some random generated model for the avatar so no one could track them by finding the avatar designer. Bane was careful himself, but Shelly’s security level bordered paranoia. Of course, he will not dare say it out loud. No one wants their brain melted by Shelly’s dirty viruses. This person was a genius and a maniac. Bane loved working with them even if they gave him creeps.

“Oh, he seems like a real cutie. Why would someone want him dead?” Aspid was a direct opposite of Shelly. A shaved right half of her head allowed everyone to see the brand proving that Yahve himself designed her voluptuous body. The woman adored attention. It did not matter if it were lustful gazes or bullets – if everything was concentrated on her, she was excited.

“I don’t give a damn whose sore feet he stepped on as long as I’m getting paid to fry his brains.”

“You are too cruel, dear.”

Bane coughed on the ice coffee he was sipping. Aspid was no less cruel than Shelly was, but in more… carnal ways.

“You can’t just kill a person for no reason, sweetie, even if you are getting paid for this. This is just… boring.”

“Shut up Aspid!”

Bane let his body register their usual chitchat on the background while his attention shifted to summarizing the data.

Shu Jing. 88 years old. A prime of one’s life, unless you are a “pro-natural” fool that considers cybernetics, cloning and other biotech stuff a sin. Let’s see… A medic. A neurobiology expert and a healthcare manager. A head doctor in a state clinic, then a director of his own clinic. Now a head of regional healthcare department. Pretty rich guy. Or could be one. He is spending lots of money on charity it seems. Like, LOTS of money. And…


“What’s it Bane?”

“What’s the trick with this guy?”


“Where’s the dirty laundry? The guy owns only a small house. No luxury. Almost no security. His relatives are no big tops. His only income seems to be his salary and small bank account. Heck, he doesn't even have a car! Where’s shady business? Drug dealing? Slave traffic? Brains hacking? Where’s anything?”

“There’s nothing.”

Aspid whistled in surprise. “I like him even more now. And I ask again – why would someone want him dead?”

“Look, I don’t know and I don’t care, okay? This guy is as transparent as that thing Aspid calls dress. He is hiding nothing and he is ashamed of nothing. I can count where his money goes up to the last cent and to the last drink he bought. I can tell you where he goes, whom he dates, what his search history is. And note that I had to do no tricks to dig this. Everything about him is in plain sight. Damn, I can even name you the porn stars he favors.”

“Mmm, is Myli Sin among them?”

Bane and Shelly ignored the question.

“The guy is climbing up the social ladder pretty fast.” Shelly continued. “He is pursuing a politician career now. My guess is – the client doesn’t want a dude like this to be in politics, but they can’t compromise him, because he is not hiding anything, so… The client wants us to turn his brains upside down and make sure Mister Honest Guy will not make others look bad. Are you satisfied?”

Bane nodded. “Seems plausible.”

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, his attention shifting back to planning. The process never stopped actually, part of his brain kept scheming as he talked with the team. One of the many benefits of BNI. A non-enhanced human brain could do this too, of course, but BNI multiplied the efficiency and allowed automated transformation of his plans into transferable visualization files. The price for this efficiency was vulnerability. BNI was a gate that hackers could use to dig into his brains and required strong protection software.

Their team represented the three most common types of modern people. Aspid - she had no BNI, but her body was almost totally replaced with this bioengineering masterpiece. Bane was more natural in terms of flesh, but his mind was much more integrated with the machine via BNI. And Shelly went as digital as it was possible, giving up their body to receive all the benefits of enhancing their brain with computer modules. The doll, the cyborg and the ghost.

Bane opened his eyes. Shelly and Aspid stopped their usual bickering. Bane sent the plans directly to Shelly through their secured channel. Aspid lifted her hand and placed it gently on Bane's palm to enable wireless data transfer. It was wise to have a team member without a BNI. This way no one can remotely hack all the three of them.

The plan was simple. With such a low security level, it was a piece of cake. No guards to take care of. No top-notch armored car with AI driver and flying drones with damn miniguns. Of course, killing someone is not that easy nowadays. Most people have their personality ready for copying. In case of emergency, it can be either transferred via BNI or stored in a special external module hidden somewhere inside their skull. To make sure the target will not return in a new body you need to intercept the copy and delete it. It's easier if the target have BNI module, but Shu Jing had none, and this means they must get close.


Shu Jing checked the time. His watches indicated that the bus was supposed to arrive twenty minutes ago. The people around him were growing nervous.

"Here's our public transport for ya. You should do something about it.”

It was not the first time someone recognized him. That was the price for reaching higher positions. The smallest part of the price actually.

“I sure do.” Shu smiled back to the old lady that addressed him. “But I will need your support for that.”

The woman's response was interrupted by a loud announcement.

“Dear passengers, we are currently dealing with a technical issues. The next bus will arrive in fifteen minutes. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

Shu winced. It was too long and he hated being late.

“Hey, Ayu. Call the taxi.”

His smartphone responded to the command and displayed the order info on the inner side of his glasses. It seems he will have to endure the old lady's grumbling for four more minutes.

“Wait! Please wait!” Someone shouted as Shu was getting in the car. He looked at the gorgeous woman gliding towards him. “Where are you heading?”

“Administration district.”

“Thank goodness! Can we share a ride? There seems to be no more taxi available nearby and I'm so late! I'll pay for it of course”

“No need to.” Shu smiled and held the door so the woman could get inside. “What's the destination?”

“You are so sweet! University main entrance please.”

Shu placed himself in the car and added the second location to his order. As the car sped up smoothly, he kept shooting side glances at the woman. He was sure she will not mind, otherwise she would not buy this body and this dress.

“It's rare to meet someone so eco-conscious among more. . . prosperous part of our community.”

“Not using a personal car is a healthy choice. For a person, for a society, for a planet.” She smiled. “Is this correct?”

Shu sighed. “Yes, that's exactly my words. So, are you a journalist hoping for a spicy interview? Never thought a journalist could afford Yahve-branded body though. How many senators you blackmailed to buy it?”

She laughed. “No, no. I'm just really inspired by your public lectures on healthy lifestyle.”

“May I at least hear your name? It's unfair that you already know mine.”

Bane looked in the rear view mirror to make sure Jing's attention was all stolen by Aspid. Everything was going smooth so far. Messing with the public transport system was pretty easy for Shelly, as well as intercepting a taxi order and replacing it with their car. They already reached the place he picked. Bane sent a message to Aspid via his BNI. Time to strike.

Mara - that was the name she gave - looked at her watches when they vibrated. A wide smile appeared on her face. A cruel smile. Her movement was as fast as a lightning, the blade sliding from her wrist and slicing through Shu's neck. Bane put the car to a stop and pulled a data transfer cord from the car computer. With all the medical data on Shu Jing in the open they knew exactly what his body modifications are and where the module for a personality reserve copy is located.

“Connection confirmed. I'm diving in.” Even the distortion program could not hide anticipation in Shelly's voice. Bane concentrated on driving and scanning the surrounding for the signs of incoming cops. Shu's body had an emergency rescue call option. Disabling geolocation will be the first point in Shelly's checklist, but the cops will receive the initial location and sooner or later they will realize what they should be looking for. Aspid was busy cleaning herself from the blood. Bane winced when she licked it off her fingers in the process.

If Shelly still had a body, it would be smiling now. Their avatar was too primitive for this, but they still felt the emotion. It contained a tint of disappointment though. Everything was too easy. Here it is, the target's personality reserved copy. An artificial vessel for a soul. A transparent one. No massive gray firewall. No antivirus programs looming over as castle towers in this artificial reality that Shelly's mind interpreted in familiar visual form. A very fragile vessel. This man is really naive. Did he hope that everyone will play by the rules in the games of power? Time to throw a harsh reality into his face. And smash him with it. Shelly's avatar stretched out it's hand as they requested an access to data. And stopped an inch before it.

“Access denied.”

Confused, Shelly tried again.

“Access denied. ”

There was nothing. At least they saw nothing. But they felt it. A solid something preventing them from getting these data. Their avatar was not able to bare it's teeth, but Shelly felt exactly this way. Finally, some fun. Their avatar's hands transformed into a thin blade. It looked just like the one that Aspid used to cut the man's head off. But this time it proved to be useless. No scratch appeared on the invisible wall. The drill that followed was unsuccessful either. The sledgehammer. The ram. The flamethrower. Tool after tool failed to break through whatever protected these damn data.

“Impressive, isn't it?” The familiar voice asked. Shelly's avatar stopped pounding the invisible wall with bare fists. Shelly knew the voice from the target data she gathered. Shu Jing. His avatar appeared on the other side of the obstacle. It looked exactly like the man did in material world. A bit on the chubby side, less than average height, balding head. The man had enough money to build a body anyone would envy yet he kept his natural look. Why would Aspid call him cute?

“I always knew my brother is a genius. You probably checked my relatives when you were planning your attack? A simple IT specialist. But he invented this. Like a bulletproof glass, it's transparent. But it is really really reliable."

Shelly ignored him. They already understood the operation went wrong. It was time to fly. Their avatar stepped back. And hit another invisible wall. A low growl emerged from Shelly's avatar mouth.

"Leaving already? That's not very polite of you. I'm afraid I can't let you go. Not yet. I don't want your friends to physically destroy my reserve copy device and I hope they won't as long as you are here with me."

A trap. Shelly was desperately looking for a way out of this. This guy seems talkative, it might be possible to trick him.

"What the hell is this thing?"

"Thanks for asking." Shu Jing looked like a professor reading a lecture. "As you probably know, personality copying is a tricky process. In most cases they result is... Let's call it incomplete. This is the reason it is used as emergency mean only. The problem roots hide in the complexity of human nature. You see, our mind is not as structured as most people believe it to be. In fact it's pretty chaotic. More often than not there are parts of us that we ourselves don't like. Bad habits. Bad decisions. Our sins. Our mistakes. We hide them. We reject them. We distort ourselves in our own minds. But it's still part of what makes us us. This causes huge interference during personality copying process. The more severe the internal conflict is, the worse the outcome will be."

The fact that during his lecture Shelly kept trying to break the barrier disturbed Jing in no way. It seems he was genuinely amused by her attempts.

"You probably wonder what it has to do with this amazing protection? You see, this special defensive program is designed especially for personality reserved copies. You can say it is powered by my soul. And the more successful the copying process was, the stronger the defense is. And as I mentioned earlier, the key to successful personality copying is being as honest with oneself as possible. Hiding nothing. Rejecting no part of yourself. Being transparent. It's not easy and comes with a price. I was widely critiqued for some of my actions, even among people I consider close. But I turned this into my sword and my armor. A transparent..."

He stopped suddenly.

"Your friends are trying to send you a message. They have to flee. It's good I was right about them, they decided against destroying you along with me. You have good friends even if what you do is wrong. People are so complex. Anyway, as a medic, I'd rather not kill anyone. I will unblock you. Get out, hacker. And tell your client that if something looks vulnerable it is not necessarily fragile."

Prompt explanation.

A bulletproof glass is sometimes called transparent armor. I wanted to explore the idea that some things that look fragile can be actually pretty sturdy, and at the same time touch the theme of internet safety, privacy policy and self perception in the net. I'm not that good with sci-fi and I hope I gave enough of the atmosphere.

Also, I really have to work on those endings...

Word count 2510



Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - March 15th, 2024

So, I participated in voting in Let's Go! Music Festival on behalf of one of the NG members, and received a discount code for it. Since I obviously will not be visiting, I can as well give it as present. So, If someone is willing to visit it with a discount, comment below in next three days (till 17.03.2024 24:00 GMT+3) and then I will let randomness decide the winner.



Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - March 11th, 2024

So, I somehow totally forgot about the Storytime collab. I am stupid, I know. But I made a short story for it. If someone is willing to become a narrator for it, It'd be cool. I understand there isn't much time left and the story is unpolished, like most of my things are, but I'm still posting it.

A boy who dreamed of fighting the dragon


A long time ago, in a distant kingdom lived a boy named Daniel. His father was the most renowned and bravest knight in the entire kingdom. His deeds were great and many - he warded off the vicious goblins horde, stopped the cunning Necromancer from unleashing the undead army at the kingdom, but greatest of all, he defeated a ferocious Dragon that threatened to scorch all the lands with its fiery breath.

Daniel always dreamed that one day he would become a famous hero, like his father. He spent days practicing with sword or reading about dreadful creatures and ways of fighting them. Daniel enjoyed listening to the stories and rumors that merchants and travelers brought to their hometown, hoping that if not a dragon, then at least a manticore or a minotaur appeared in nearby forest and attacked a passing caravan.

However, as months and years passed, nothing troubled the kingdom. Goblins never dared to set their foot in the kingdom again, evil wizards stayed away from its borders, and not even a single monster threatened the peace and quiet of the land. Yet Daniel never lost hope, and the reason for that was his father’s sword. The God-Blacksmith himself forged this sword and made a prophecy, claiming, “Nothing will break this sword until it faces the most terrifying flame”. Daniel knew that this sword remained intact during his father’s battle with a dragon, and he believed this means that even stronger monster will appear, and, surely, Daniel will be the one to stand against this threat.

One day, Daniel’s family visited his father’s friend in another town. During their visit, Daniel took part in practice fights that the castle guards had, and surprised everyone with his skill at such a young age. At dinner, he sat next to Elisa, the town ruler’s daughter, a girl his age. She complimented his performance too. “Thank you.” Daniel responded. “But I still need to train more, if I am to be like my father and fulfill the prophecy of his sword”.

Elisa frowned. “The prophecy? This sounds mysterious! What prophecy?”

“Let’s sneak away and I will show you”.

They both asked the permission to leave the table, and Daniel entered the room given to his father. He took his father’s sword and showed it to Elisa.

“See this inscription? Only the most terrible fire can break this sword. And my father slayed a dragon with it! That means that some even worse monster will appear, and I will fight it!”

“So, are you going to go hunt monsters all over the world?” Elisa asked

“No, of course not!” Daniel felt offended. “I will be a knight, not a monster hunter.”

“Are you going to just wait then? Always training and waiting for that dragon or something to appear? That’s boring!”

Elisa giggled and ran away, not interested in her new friend’s dreams.

“Silly girl! She understands nothing!” Annoyed and angry, Daniel decided against returning to the dining room and instead went to his own room, placed his father’s sword next to his bed, laid down and soon fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, loud sounds woke him up. Daniel heard people running and screaming, he grabbed his father’s sword and ran out of his room. He assumed the castle was under attack, and he was anticipating to finally demonstrating his skills in a real battle. As he stepped out, a wave of heat hit him, and clouds of smoke covered his eyes. He coughed, covering his mouth and nose. Silhouettes were running back and forth in the smoke, but they were no bandits or monsters – only servants, some with buckets of water, some carrying children or items of value. Daniel ran with them to the big castle hall.

“Has anyone seen Lady Elisa?!” Somebody shouted. “She was not in her room!”

“Oh no! She often plays in the library, and southern wing is all caught in fire!”

Daniel looked at the southern corridor. The smoke there was especially heavy. Clutching his father’s sword, he sprinted into the corridor. As he ran forward, one of the side doors fell in front of him, letting out tongues of flame and flying sparks. Daniel jumped, and pointed his sword towards the room, but there weren’t anyone there – only fire dancing on walls and floor. The ceiling over the boy’s head started creaking from the heat and fire crawling somewhere above. Daniel gulped and coughed, his throat was sore from the smoke and ashes floating around. His legs shook, but he went on further in the southern wing.

The library door was open, and the inside was roaring flame. “Elisa! You here?!” Daniel shouted. He had to shout twice before he heard a faint voice. He stepped inside, and had to cover his face from the heat. He found Elisa barely conscious, lying under a fallen bookshelf that already began smoking. He tried to lift the shelf, but it was too heavy for him. Daniel felt fear and despair rising inside him, and tears rising to his eyes. He looked at the sword in his trembling hands. He expected to find a dragon trying to steal Elisa, like in the stories. But there was neither dragon nor any other creature to strike with the sword, only mindless fire crawling closer and closer, threatening to take away their lives for no reason. All his training meant nothing. He could not save Elisa. “Useless thing!” He whispered angrily, to the sword or maybe to himself. And then he remembered that this sword was supposed to be unbreakable! He pushed it under the shelf and tried lifting it with all his strength. The shelf moved ever so slightly. The sword held it. “Elisa, crawl out, fast!” The girl obeyed and managed to pull herself from under the shelf. The next moment Daniel let the shelf fall and pulled the sword out. But all that was left in his hands was a small part of the broken blade above the handle.

“Come on! Let’s get out!” Elisa tagged his sleeve, coughing and breathing heavily, and he followed her. In the corridor, they ran into grown-ups, who immediately covered them with wet blankets and carried them to their parents, outside of the castle.

“I’m sorry, father.” Daniel apologized. “I… broke your sword. I… Thought there was some monster or something, and then I had to pull Elisa out, and it… it just broke. I’m sorry… I only wanted to defeat a monster, to be a hero, like you.”

“My son.” His father held him tightly. “Fighting someone is not necessary to be a hero.” He looked at Elisa, crying in her mother’s arms. “Giving all you’ve got to protect and save others – this is what makes you a true hero.” 

Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - February 6th, 2024

So, I am now participating in sort of a group writing project and from tim to time I will need cover arts for small stories. Nothing really fancy, not for hardcover books, just as pictures for announcenent in social media. I could use AI art for this, but I don't like this idea and I am willing to pay someone for those. There is no current deadline so far, I will just send a description of what I generally expect to see whenever the writing process begins. It usually takes a few weeks to finish, so it should not be tight time wise.

The trick is, I live in Russia and I can't pay anyone outside it or using PayPal, Patreon etc. So I guess you need to also be in Russia to receive payment.



Posted by Remi-le-Oduen - January 12th, 2024

I doubted wether I should spill these thoughts here or not. However, I considered that keeping them only to myself is kind of going against my rules, so here they are.

Once again, sensitive topic ahead. You've been warned.

I couldn't help but noticed that this year Pixel Day announcement is different from the previous ones. Some of you probably guessed what this is going to be about, and if you don't want to keep reading, I totally understand. I also understand the reason behind the aforementioned difference.

However, I think that making it look like the person in question never existed is wrong. Erasing the bad events from the history is the easiest way to repeat them. There is no completely black and completely white. Each person is complex. And turning a blind eye to the good side of a person is wrong.

I think that, at least for my own self, and in my memory records, I will try to keep track of both sides - good and bad.

So I'm going to say it loud. Big thanks to @ThatJohnnyGuy for originally suggesting Pixel Day as an event. He made great music and big mistakes. But I am thankful for the good things he did anyway.