I doubted wether I should spill these thoughts here or not. However, I considered that keeping them only to myself is kind of going against my rules, so here they are.
Once again, sensitive topic ahead. You've been warned.
I couldn't help but noticed that this year Pixel Day announcement is different from the previous ones. Some of you probably guessed what this is going to be about, and if you don't want to keep reading, I totally understand. I also understand the reason behind the aforementioned difference.
However, I think that making it look like the person in question never existed is wrong. Erasing the bad events from the history is the easiest way to repeat them. There is no completely black and completely white. Each person is complex. And turning a blind eye to the good side of a person is wrong.
I think that, at least for my own self, and in my memory records, I will try to keep track of both sides - good and bad.
So I'm going to say it loud. Big thanks to @ThatJohnnyGuy for originally suggesting Pixel Day as an event. He made great music and big mistakes. But I am thankful for the good things he did anyway.
I don't judge, only learn. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same with 100% certainty as I didn't have the same circumstances, upbringing, genetic makeup, and other such things. I am in no way excusing a bad action, but I'm also not gonna pretend that I've been an angel all my life. I merely take the mistakes others have made and learn from them. I also think that everybody has their worst mistake in life, and the sooner they can accept that mistake, the sooner they can keep themselves from making an even worse mistake. Evil does its best work in the shadows of ignorance, so one should acknowledge their darkness before it is too late, and it gets the better of them.
Totally agree