It's out! It's here! The first collab I took part in making! And it's also FRONTPAGED! OMG I'm so happy right now.
You can listen to it here:
Huge thanks to Flamadour for organising this collab, LuckyDee for pinpointing it in the Writings forum and voicing my poem, and everyone who contributed to the collab.
Oh, just in case someone for some weird reason wants to read the poem I made for this collab, here it is
Burning the flags
The acrid smoke is stinging our eyes
To make us cry for tools to buy and sell.
But no longer we enslave ourselves,
We are burning down the money used to set the price
The putrid smoke is staining our tongues
With taste of greed, of claims on land and people.
But wherever we are born, we’re free and equal,
And we are burning down the maps with borders separating us.
The heavy smoke is filling our lungs
With heavy soot of lives destroyed and broken,
But this deceitful pride is now forgotten
As we are burning down the flags that brought us wars and scars.
The future of humanity united
Is still a misty silhouette ahead,
And to illuminate the path we tread,
We are burning down the humanity divided.