Давненько я не видел такой годной вещи на великом и могучем. Круть, в духе психоделической фантастики старой школы. 10 из 10, хочу еще.
Давненько я не видел такой годной вещи на великом и могучем. Круть, в духе психоделической фантастики старой школы. 10 из 10, хочу еще.
Wow thanks! Certainly there will be more of similar stories in same setting in future! Now I'm work on the next story, about another agent.
Ого, спасибо! Конечно, в будущем подобных историй из этого же сеттинга будет больше! Сейчас я рисую следующий мульт, про другого агента.
This short movie made me a little happier. So, thank you, Albert. I hope you are happy too.
Extremely happy to hear that!
I was skeptical about this at first, but it did caught my interest) Let's see where this goes
Thanks for giving the series a go! :)
Already on my wishlist)
Yay, thanks ! I hope you like it :- D
what the hell you did to my PC? There are ducks everywhere now... Wait, they are in my room too! What you did to my eyes? And brain... Quack!
I'm very happy to hear trojan.quackbot was successfully executed. I'm still a bit insecure about my hacking skills. Thank you.
I'm actually sort of disappointed. I've expected some more tension from this part, not a cliche compilation. However, there's a big potential here and I'd like to see what will grow of it. So... keep it up, you are doing good!
Thanks for the feedback. Writing will definitely improve for the next season!
Just your average bus ride
Haha, yup typical commute!!
I adore your works
Thank you!
Good. The intro surely made my day much brighter.
That guy that always asks for songs lyrics to be added in descriptions
Age 34, Male
Forensic medicine
Joined on 1/12/17