The one. The only.
The one. The only.
The G.O.A.T
I've read The Golden Bough. The amount of work put in that book is breathtaking. I agree he never touched many biological, environmental and some other factors, but if he did, he would probably died before ever writing a book as it's too much work for a single person. Still his approach to cultural analysis feels really solid.
Also, never noticed anything justifying cultural hierarchy, at least I don't remember such statements. He was just looking for cultures less touched by civilization to find traces of older religious practices, but he never said they were better or worse than others. Instead he explained how their seemingly ridiculous rituals were actually aimed for the good and what thinking process lies behind them. Somewhere closer to the end of the book he even mentioned how big modern religions aren't that different from the very first shamans and magicians.
But I agree that modern approach has evolved greatly since that time.
This person’s idea came from the belief that human culture evolves in one direction—towards modern society. If a culture doesn’t go that way, it’s seen as not advanced enough yet.
That’s why it might seem that way, and honestly, I kind of agree. But, to be fair, this person lived over 100 years ago. We can’t really blame today’s world for that, but the idea still sticks around
Thx ! :)
That proselyte guy seems nice
He gets around!
She was bitten, she is doomed now!
If it was a modern virus based zombie, sure, but those are zombies raised via necromancy, so a bite won't turn her to that^^
Well, comparing to the size of a person it's not that massive actually) I remember being in real observatory and how really huge those telescopes are, it's amazing
I heard the same thing from another person. It must be true lol. I've actually never been in one so I wouldn't know.
Wow, didn't know some of the imprints were negative. Thanks for this interesting data) I find these comics of yours really cute and useful! NG educational!
Thanks a lot, I'm glad people like it!! And yes, the negative printings of hands are not exclusive of this region but hapends in a lot of places around the world hehehe
I knew it! Those tomatoes are up to no good! They are enslaving us! We must destroy them!
*biting angrily at the nearest tomato*
They embody all the evil in this world!
Every single time...
Yup... Lol.
Happy birthday dude, hope the lads will bring you better presents next time!
the steam must flow
That guy that always asks for songs lyrics to be added in descriptions
Age 34, Male
Forensic medicine
Joined on 1/12/17