IA! Yog-Sothoth also going for walk. Gets boring in them eldritch realm sometimes
IA! Yog-Sothoth also going for walk. Gets boring in them eldritch realm sometimes
That's cool. Is the hat waterproof?
Thank you! Oh of course!
Thank you Lucia
Looks like a reliable crew
The best beach party EVER
Upgrade strength instead of music - play poor music - bash everyone who says your music is bad - no one criticise you - therefore, your music is good
The way of the bardbarian - intimidate don't persuade.
Lucia being cool and hot
When you forgot that fruit in the back of the fridge for too long
Should've dropped that soda can in garbage bin, not in the ocean
That guy that always asks for songs lyrics to be added in descriptions
Age 34, Male
Forensic medicine
Joined on 1/12/17